Clinox REC

Clinox Rec is the most advanced solution for TIG, TIG with fi ller metal, MIG/MAG, pulsed-arc MIG, laser, resistance, orbital, and plasma welding. The advanced technology of Clinox Rec, through an immediate electrochemical reaction and the recirculation of the chemical product, ensures the pickling, passivation and polishing of any stainless steel weld, irrespective of the fi nishing, without wasting time, without leaving rings, and in complete safety for the operator. Clinox Rec is the professional machine for companies that need to work at high productivity: thanks to the Inverter technology, it ensures a productivity of 96% (instead of 44%, of transformerfi tted machines), and it is the only machine fi tted with: tank with recirculation of the pickiling solution; automatic pump to dose the liquid; vapor suction system; plug to use a smaller patented torch with manual dosing and integrated tank.
Clinox Rec, Nitty Gritty Clinox Rec. Sole Channel Partner For SAARC Countries - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka