
PipeMill is a pneumatic powered tube facing, bevelling and weld removal machine. The PipeMill is a rugged, fast and powerful weld end preparation lathe for various pipes including stainless steel and other exotic alloys. A standard machine is equipped with a locking system to cover sizes of 50,8 to 172 mm ID (2.000” to 6.800”) with a 250 mm cutting head.


PipeMill 8E is electric version of PipeMill. The machine can cover the same pipe sizes and comes with the same cutting head. The electric motor with 4 speed mechanical gear box has also variable speed control and produce enormous torque on the cutter blade. Is interchangeable with pneumatic drive and can be purchased separately at any time. Take 5 min to replace from pneumatic to electric.


Motor free speed.......................................................... 120-210-380-650 RPM
Motor power................................................................. 2000 Watt
Motor torque (on the 1st gear).................................... 240 Nm (180 Ft.Lbs)
Machine feed stroke..................................................... 40 mm (1,6”)
Cutter head speed........................................................ 10-17-30-50 rpm
Max torque on cutter blade (on the 1st gear)............ 3096 Nm (2290 Ft.Lbs)